One of my favorite aspects of attending a quilt show is walking through the exhibits and attempting to find the current trends in quilting. Last week I posted photos of the neutral color palettes that were popping up throughout the show.
This week, I am turning my attention to the dynamic circle motifs were well represented throughout QuiltCon. Many of these quilts include pieced or appliquéd curves, but there are several quilts that create visual circles by using only straight line piecing!
Do these quilts inspire you to use circles in your designs?
NONE OF THE QUILTS PICTURED IN THIS POST ARE MY WORK! Each work is labeled with the maker and their Instagram handle when available. These are in no particular order, and this post may take longer than usual to load because there are so many fun quilts to share!
Clown Car by Steph Skardal of @stephskardal
Shirts and Ties in the Skies by Ann Feitelson of @feitelsonann
In Full Color 2019 by Kelly Lautenbach of @itsjustsew

Effervescence by Jennifer Rapacki (and group)
Bubble by Leanne Chahley (and group) of @shecanquilt
Earth by Janine Holzman
Ottoman Rings No. 4 by Tighe Flanagan of @tigheflanagan
Mrs Hansons focus #2 (Frau Hansons Focus #2) by Uta Hanson of @utahanson
Fleurette by Fenny Dane of @fennydane
1969 by Susan Santistevan of @susansantistevan
Tiny Bubbles by Marla Varner of @pennylanequilts
Planet Triangle by Kathy Cook of @kathycookquilts
Fireball by Patty Simmons of @turshann
Perseverance: Muddling Through by Christine Janove of @christinejanove
Broken Clock by Annie Hudnut of @anniehudnut

Free Wheeling by Laurie Sheldon
Sky Top by Nancy Lambert
Connections by Linda Branting
Zero Eccentricity by Sarah Ruiz of @saroy
Melon Sky by Ann Feitelson of @feitelsonann

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