“Modern Log Cabin” has spent the last few weeks in Paducah for judging and exhibition in the American Quilter’s Society Quilt Week show. It was exciting to have one of my quilts hanging in a national show, and I was so glad that I was able to go see it there. (I will be posting more about the show as I work my way through the photos I have taken.)
Last week my quilt arrived back home, which is always a relief. Even though I know that it is pretty rare for a package to disappear in transit, I am always just a little worried whenever I send something that is not easily replaced. Does anyone else feel that way? Has anyone ever actually lost a quilt while with a shipping company? If so, did it ever turn up again? Maybe I don’t want those answers- no- I do . . . I think
Included in the return package with the quilt was the show book, display card, judging sheet, and cloth tag for the quilt. This picture also show the Catalog of Show Quilts open to “Modern Log Cabin.”
I always like to see judge’s comments that people have shared for their show quilts, so I thought I would share mine as well. I wasn’t sure what to expect since this was my first time receiving a comment card. My quilt was also in the Modern Category of Large Wall Quilts, and much more simple in appearance than most of the quilts at this particular show.
Best Feature(s):
- Clean- Fresh accent
- Fabric Choices
- Quilting
Area(s) to Improve:
While I am most likely in the minority, I am always surprised and even slightly disappointed when there are no suggestions for improvement. There is something strangely comforting to have a tangible goal to work toward. I will qualify this by saying that my BFA is in Painting and my MFA is in Theatre design, so over the years I have become accustomed to pouring myself into a project only to have it painstakingly critiqued and/or ripped apart (sometime literally). Repeating this process weekly over the course of seven years results in a pretty thick skin. It almost feels like I’ve been cheated if there is nothing to improve upon! A bit sick- isn’t it!
I consider it a great honor to have a quilt displayed in a national venue. I have entered this quilt in a few more shows, so I hope it may have some more travel in its future!
I’m linking up with Let’s Bee Social at Sew Fresh Quilts this week. Please drop in to see all of the lovely work being created!
May 5, 2015 at 5:48 amCan’t wait to see your pics from Paducah! What a thrill it must have been to see your quilt hanging there
I’m with you, I’d rather see some constructive criticism come back with a quilt than nothing at all. Good luck with the future shows!
Yvonne @ Quilting Jetgirl
May 5, 2015 at 10:04 amDo you know how many quilts were entered into the show and judged? Were they all judged by the same people? I do find it curious that there are no areas for improvement, and I wonder if you will find that is true for most of the quilts that were accepted into the show (do you know anyone else with a returned quilt you can ask)? Wow, I have a lot of questions today! Regardless, congratulations – what a very cool experience and I look forward to hearing more about your time in Paducah.
May 6, 2015 at 10:25 amCongrats on being in Paducah! I’d be nervous about shipping a quilt too. You never know what’s going to happen to things.
Lara B.
May 6, 2015 at 1:03 pmCassandra, that is a really great modern log cabin and congratulations on having it at Paducah! Even though you have a thick skin (oh my gosh, you must have had to!) I think you can take the blank area of the comment card as a high compliment – that the judges could find no fault. Your quilt really is amazing!
And I’m a nervous nellie when shipping too.
May 6, 2015 at 2:01 pmYour quilt is beautiful, new and unique. Congrats on the job well done. Hope you will have more audience, you deserve to be recognized.
May 8, 2015 at 7:00 amthat is a really cool quilt, very original. It’s great that you only got positive comments!
Carrie Ottmers Wikander
May 8, 2015 at 2:41 pmIt is awesome, and I see no suggestions for improvement, either! LOVE it! I’m glad you got to show it.
Beverly King
November 14, 2016 at 1:52 pmwhat is the size of your quilt?