2015 Third Quarter Finish Goals

July 13, 2015

It feels unbelievable that we are already half way through 2015.  I spent most of the second quarter away from home (and my lovely fabric) so I have a bunch of project roll overs since not everyone could come along for the ride!  Right now I am in Cape Cod for a bit of a break before heading home where I can’t wait to hit the ground running!  

2015 Finish Along Q3

I am excited to once again join in the Finish Along fun with Adrianne at On the Windy Side.

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

Goals 1-14

In order to keep up with (and make up for being a bit behind on) Mini Quilt Mania I am planning to make a 14 more mini quilts for the second quarter of this year.  These are in various stages of completion: sketches, patterns drafted, fabrics chosen, and I even have several tops completed.

Quilt 5 / 50

Goal 15

In January I started a starburst quilt based on my Happy New Year! mini quilt, and this project is a rollover from Q1 and Q2.  I have this piece over halfway quilted right now, and I would really like to get this one finished up this quarter!Starburst process

Goal 16

For my Modern Quilt Guild Riley Blake challenge quilt I am making a “potholder” style quilt using hexagonal bound blocks rather than the more traditional squares.  This quilt will be completely reversible, with one side being predominantly turquoise with the other side leaning toward the pinks in the collection.  I made a lot of progress on this quilt in Q2, and I have actually just finished it as my first finish of Q3. (Post to come soon!)Riley Blake process

Goal 17

I joined my Simply Mini Quilt Swap a few days ago which is my first online swap, and I am so excited to create a mini with someone else in mind!  The deadline is mid October, but I am optimistic that I will finish in this quarter

Goal 18

I signed up for the Modern Quilt Guild’s Michael Miller Challenge, so I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of the fat eighth package.  I have worked out a general design and some Michael Miller solids are on there way to me right now.  I am sure I will be tracking down more of the challenge fabrics once I’m certain which ones will be the most useful.  This project doesn’t have to be finished until the end of November, but I would love to have it complete before that!

Goal 19

I designed and made these cute little blocks for my Baubles Quilt months ago.  I would really like to get them made into a quilt! (Roll over from Q2)Baubles Blocks

Goal 20

This “secret” project (roll over from Q1 and Q2) is still quilted, ready for finishing, and needs to stop hanging out under my work table! Here’s hoping this quilt makes it into a finished pile this quarter!secret project process



Goal 21

This quilted pillow top needs a zippered back and finishing.  (Roll over from Q2)Pillow Top

Goal 22

This Bionic Bag is a rollover from Q2.  I have all my pieces cut, interfacing fused, zippers installed, sides assembled, and the outer panel quilted.Bionic Bag process

Goal 23

I started a set of placemats last fall.  I have a set of four that just need the binding finished.  (Roll over from Q2)

placemat process

Goal 24

I started sewing this hexagon project when I needed some handwork.  I’m not entirely certain how large this is going to get, but I’m hoping to discover what exactly this wants to be.  (Roll over from Q2)Hexagon process

Goal 25

In the first quarter I created a baby quilt sized Sweet and Simple Hashtag Quilt.  This quarter I hope to make a lap quilt size version of this quilt.  (Roll over from Q2)

Sweet and Simple Hashtag Quilt

What about you?  What are you looking forward to working on in the next few months?



  • Reply
    Yvonne @ Quilting Jetgirl
    July 14, 2015 at 10:33 am

    Wow, you have a lot on your plate right now and I wish you a lot of luck getting through your list! 🙂 I am excited to see your RB fabric challenge finish – I had a lot of fun working with those fabrics myself and your idea sounds great.

  • Reply
    July 14, 2015 at 12:34 pm

    Ooooo! I’m so in love with your Riley Blake challenge project!!

  • Reply
    July 14, 2015 at 1:15 pm

    Not sure what a zipper back is – can you explain?

    Look forward to seeing some/all of the finishes over the coming months.

  • Reply
    July 15, 2015 at 2:53 am

    Goodness. Lots of lovely things on the go here!
    A list of 25 would frighten me, but I am sure I have that many WIPs. I am in denial and manage it by keeping my focus small and only listing what I want to do each month.

  • Reply
    Sarah Goer
    July 16, 2015 at 3:12 pm

    I love those little blocks for your Baubles Quilt. I look forward to seeing them put together. Good luck with all your projects. You have a lovely variety of options to work on.

  • Reply
    MQG Riley Blake Challenge Quilt | The (not so) Dramatic Life
    July 24, 2015 at 4:20 pm

    […] 2015 Third Quarter Finish Goals […]

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    Violet Calm: Mini Quilt #24 | The (not so) Dramatic Life
    August 9, 2015 at 12:37 am

    […] 2015 Third Quarter Finish Goals […]

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    Tiny Cottage Garden: Mini #25 | The (not so) Dramatic Life
    August 9, 2015 at 9:17 am

    […] 2015 Third Quarter Finish Goals […]

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