It’s a new year and the traditional time to set new goals and resolutions for the coming months. Last week, I shared a list of possible resolutions for quilters that don’t involve cleaning or organizing anything! Now, it’s time for me to share my 2025 goals.

This year was full of twists and turns, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the coming year brings more of the same. In 2025, I am aiming for consistency. Even when the unexpected hits, my goal is to keep showing up, and that is reflected in many of my specific goals.
2025 Goals
100 Day Project
I do a 100-day Project each year, starting on the first day of the year and ending on my birthday. This year’s project is a potholder quilt with irregularly shaped components and a mixture of piecing or appliqué. Watch my Instagram account and newsletter for progress!

Participate in a swap
It’s been years since I last participated in a swap, but this year, I am not going to QuiltCon, which opened up some time to participate in the annual Modern Quilt Guild Swap. My plan is almost finished, and I’m excited to start piecing.
Teach more online courses
I love teaching in person and online, but I mainly work through guilds or shops. In 2025, I plan to offer some of my popular classes online with open enrollment. I’m also designing a multi-session course on developing your personal style, so watch for sign-ups coming soon!
Sew consistently
Sometimes, it’s easy to get bogged down in the business of quilting, and this year, I want to make time to sew guilt-free every week.

Write five days a week
Writing is a big part of my work, and in the coming year, I want to incorporate it into my daily practice rather than working primarily in bursts.
Have hand-work ready to go
When life gets unpredictable, it’s sometimes helpful to have a hand-sewing project ready to grab and go. Working away from the sewing machine and computer always makes me feel productive.

Website update
Even though I blog weekly, the rest of my website hasn’t been updated in a couple of years. It’s time to go through all of the sections, update information, and do a general clean-up.
Are you ready to dive into 2025? Here’s to an exciting and productive year!
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