2016 First Quarter Finish Goals

January 16, 2016

The 2015 Finish Along had mixed results for me, but it was fun exciting to see what everyone accomplished each quarter.  I loved that this format “forced” me to make a list for the quarter and was something tangible to refer to as I finished and planned new projects.2016 Finish Along Quarter 1

The 2016 Finish Along is being hosted by several people around the globe.

2016 FAL

This list is comprehensive- it contains every project that I currently have in the works (Even the ones lurking in dark corners ;).  At the very least this helps me stay honest with myself 🙂

Goal 1

“Baubles” was started near the end of 2014, and I finally got it quilted in December 2015.  It still needs binding and some finishing embroidery.Baubles Quilted Process Shot

Goal 2

Last October I took a class with an improv round robin format.  It was a lot of fun, and I added even more to my quilt top following the class so that it can function as a lap quilt.  I quilted it soon after the class, and right now it just needs to be squared up and bound.Improv round robin process

Goal 3

This fabric is still ready to go as a variation on a plus quilt.  I sure hope to make some serious progress on this one during the first quarter.Plus Fabric

Goal 4

The large version of my Happy New Year mini is still waiting to have the quilting finishedStarburst process

Goal 5

The Mystery Quilt that has been hosted by Meadow Mist Designs.  I have gotten behind, but I hope to catch up and finish- This is a fantastic designMeadow Mist process

Goal 6

This year’s Hoffman challenge fabric caught my eye like it never has before.  I can hardly wait to turn this digitally printed fabric into something awesome!Hoffman Challenge Fabric

Goal 7

Once upon a time, I made some quilted clothing.  I have been meaning to make a quilted jacket, and now that I finally have the fabric, it might actually happen this quarter!Jacket Fabric

Goal 8

In February I will be attending my first QuiltCon, and it would be nice to put together a new bag for the occasion.  I’m thinking that these Tula Pink prints would be fantastic!Tula Pink

Goal 9

I have been contemplating a grey quilt that I have done this fabric pull for.  Now to narrow down the possible designs . . .Grey Fabric Pull

Goal 10

The pillow that never seems to make it to the top of my listPillow Top

Goal 11

Placemats that have been hanging around foreverplacemat process

Goal 12

A hexi project that is there for when I need to pick up some handworkHexagon process

Goal 13

The potholder style quilt that predictably didn’t get touched last quartersecret project process

Goal 14

A set of blocks waiting to be turned into a baby quiltGreen Baby Quilt

Goal 15

Blocks in another color scheme waiting to be turned into a baby quiltPeach Baby Quilt

Goals 16-33

Mini quilts to finish up mini quilt mania.  Most are just waiting to be bound . . . So very close!





  • Reply
    January 16, 2016 at 8:03 am

    That’s quite a list. Your Midnight Mystery looks like it is going to be amazing.

  • Reply
    Archie The Wonder Dog
    January 16, 2016 at 1:54 pm

    Yeah, another member of the ‘ridiculously long list’ gang!! Good luck with your list and thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts *grin*

  • Reply
    Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl
    January 16, 2016 at 11:04 pm

    As I was reading your list I started to wonder about your mini quilt mania goal from last year. Glad to see those are still progressing, too.

  • Reply
    Baubles Quilt Finish | The (not so) Dramatic Life
    January 31, 2016 at 9:44 pm

    […] 2016 First Quarter Finish Goals […]

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