2016 Second Quarter Finish Goals

April 16, 2016

Its already time for the second quarter of the year, and another long list of desired goals!2016 Finish Along Q2

The 2016 Finish Along is being hosted by several people around the globe.

2016 FAL

1.  Hoffman Challenge QuiltHoffman Challenge Fabric

2.  “Construction” baby quilt for my nephew’s new addition that will arrive this summerConstruction Quilt Fabric

3.  Riley Blake MQG Challenge Quilt- Awesome Fabric, now I just need an idea to go with it!Riley Blake Challenge Fabric

4.  “Happy New Year” Star QuiltStarburst process

5.  Grey Diamond QuiltDiamond Quilt

6.  Mystery QuiltMeadow Mist process

7.  Plus QuiltPlus Fabric

8.  “Waves” PillowPillow Top

9.  Sand Dollar Star Pillow or Mini QuiltSand Dollar Star

10.  Green Baby QuiltGreen Baby Quilt

11.  Coral Baby QuiltPeach Baby Quilt

12.  Peppermint Forest Mini QuiltPeppermint Forest

13.  Broken Circle Mini QuiltBroken Circle

14.  Lemondrops and Gumdrops MiniLemon Drop Mini

15.  Blue Wholecloth Mini

16.  Radiating MiniRadiating Mini

17.  Wool “needle-minding” MiniNeedle Minding Mini

18.  Cotton Felting Mini

19.  Color Challenge Mini (Finished already this quarter, but still needs to be blogged about)Pattern Drafting

20.  “Secret” MiniSecret Mini

21.  Polar Bear Mini
Polar Bear Mini

22. Medallion MiniMedallion Mini


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