2015 Fourth Quarter Finish Goals

October 15, 2015

It’s hard to believe that 2015 will be coming to an end so soon.  This quarter will mark the one year anniversary of my blog, and there has been a great deal of evolution in my quilting life since that time.  Last quarter was a super productive one for me, but most of what I ended up doing was not on my original goal list.  I am listing everything I currently have in the works. While I know that everything will not get finished, it is helpful to me to keep an eye on everything that I have going.2015 Finish Along Q4This quarter, I will continue to link up with the Finish Along hosted by Adrianne at On the Windy Side.

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

So here is my ridiculously long goal list- think big, right!?

The Major Goals

Goals 1-18

Finish up Mini Quilt Mania!  I am excited with everything I have designed and discovered during this project, and I am looking forward to finishing up and sharing the remainder of these quilts.

Mini Mania 2015

Goal 19

My first Instagram mini quilt swap will conclude this quarter.  The top is pieced, and will be getting quilted and sent off in the next week or two.  I really hope my partner likes the finished product!Mini Swap Quilt Top

Goal 20

This fabric will become a variation on a plus quilt.  Once this is complete I am planning to release the pattern on Craftsy.Plus Fabric

Goal 21

I am making up making up this Carolyn Friedlander pattern with the hope of possibly teaching a block of the month class at an awesome local shop.  I am super excited about this, and I really hope it works out!CF Quilt

Goal 22

One of the challenges the Modern Quilt Guild has for QuiltCon is triangles.  My personal goal for this project (aside from using triangles 🙂 ) is to experiment with altering fabric prints based on the way they are cut and reconstructed.Triangles

Goal 23

The other challenge for QuiltCon is the Michael Miller fabric challenge.  I have drawn out several designs for this, but now I need to choose one and get it made in time to meet the entry deadline.MM Challenge

Goal 24

I’m eager to make a large version of a mini I made earlier in the year.Violet Quilt

The Minor Goals

Goal 25

Finish up the large version of my Happy New Year mini quilt.  This may be a good project to work on my longarm ruler skills, so I would really like to make time for this to happen soon.

Starburst process

Goal 26

I started putting this “Baubles” quilt together in Q3 from the blocks I made last December.  I would like to at least get the top together so it will free up my design wall!Baubles

Goal 27

The pillow that is still awaiting a zippered back and finishing

Pillow Top

Goal 28

The Bionic bag that probably only has about 2 hours of work left on it, but has been hanging around far longer than it should

Bionic Bag process

Goal 29

Placemats that need the binding finished

placemat process

Goal 30

I started this hexagon project in order to have some handwork ready to go, so it isn’t really a priority.  I am looking forward to seeing where this project goes.Hexagon process

Goal 31

This potholder style quilt is close to the bottom of the priority list, and most likely won’t even be touched this quartersecret project process

Goal 32

I made several baby quilts last quarter to practice my longarm quilting skills, and these blocks were made up as part of this process.  At some point I would like to finish up these little quilts.Peach Baby Quilt

Goal 33

Another baby quilt in a different color scheme than Goal 32Green Baby Quilt

Goal 33

I’m taking a class next weekend on Round Robin style Improvisational quilting.  It would be nice to finish up the project that we will be working on that day.

Yardage to mix with scraps for the upcoming improv class

Yardage to mix with scraps for the upcoming improv class

I’m going to get some sewing down now 🙂  What are your goals for the end of the year?

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  • Reply
    October 16, 2015 at 7:52 am

    And I thought my list was ambitious (a.k.a. totally crazy)!

  • Reply
    October 16, 2015 at 5:06 pm

    I am sure your partner will love that mini that you made! It is beautiful.

  • Reply
    October 16, 2015 at 6:59 pm

    These are a lot of beautiful finishes to work on. I think you will have an enjoyable time working on them all.

  • Reply
    October 16, 2015 at 8:13 pm

    It’s so fun to see what you’re working on. What caught my eye this time were the baubles–I had to magnify the picture really big to see what those fabrics were that made them look like light shining on them. Wow. Great dimension.

  • Reply
    October 17, 2015 at 6:11 am

    Is there a pattern for #19? If not, could you explain your design process?

  • Reply
    October 22, 2015 at 10:32 am

    Yay for Goal 21. We want you at Sew To Speak!

  • Reply
    Simply Starred Mini Quilt | The (not so) Dramatic Life
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    […] 2015 Fourth Quarter Finish Goals […]

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    The Web We Weave: Mini Quilt #33 | The (not so) Dramatic Life
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    […] 2015 Fourth Quarter Finish Goals […]

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