It’s QuiltWeek in Paducah!

April 29, 2022

QuiltWeek Paducah is underway this week, and it has been an exciting and busy time. Here are just a few photos to hold you over until the more detailed posts are ready to go!

This is the lobby of the convention and expo center. The people wearing red jackets are community ambassadors, and can tell you a lot about the town.

This year’s awards ceremony was hosted by Susan Cleveland and was held at an events venue a short walk from the convention center.

Preview night follows the awards ceremony. The crowds are generally lighter this night and the top award winners can often be found near their quilts. The four top awards are prominently displayed in the center of the show floor.

Quilts (except for award winners) are displayed in alphabetical order by the makers last name within each category. By a stroke of luck, Stripe Club was placed in a grouping of quilts that really complemented each other.

And my Zoo Family Portrait Quilt was just around the corner!

Apart from the main show, my first big stop was Hancocks of Paducah. I am so excited to share more about this visit, but for now here is a rare QuiltWeek image of the nearly empty store before the doors opened to the public!

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    lynn Bourgeois
    April 29, 2022 at 6:29 am

    Looks like an exciting week. I’ll be watching for more of your photos. Thanks

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