March One Monthly Goal

March 7, 2016

This month, one of my local quilt groups, The Columbus Modern Quilters, is having a swap of One Hour Baskets.  I had never made one, and I knew I wanted to incorporate some patchwork, so I made this basket for practice and to look at proportions.

Flying Geese Basket

The pattern is a free download by Hearts and Bees that is available on Craftsy, and it really does go together quickly.  I’m not sure how long it really takes to make one because I incorporated patchwork into the project instead of using single pieces of fabric.  The Annie’s Soft and Stable (not an affiliate link) I used for the project gives the basket a nice structure that feels like it will be very durable and maintain its structure for a long time.  I was pretty happy with the first basket, and I could hardly wait to start on the basket for the swap.  This swap basket is my “One Monthly Goal” for March.

My swap partner listed Carolyn Friedlander as one of her favorite designers, and I thought it would be fun to make a basket using all fabrics from her collections.  The flying geese in the first basket worked really well, so I decided to adapt the idea for the second basket.  With this configuration of fabrics, the geese have a more of an arrow look.

Swap Basket sides

The pieces are cut and the patchwork for the outer panels is finished, so hopefully I’ll have at least one easy finish this month!




  • Reply
    March 7, 2016 at 11:44 pm

    That’s going to be a fantastic looking basket! Love the idea with the arrows.

  • Reply
    March 12, 2016 at 12:30 am

    Your swap basket is bound to be a hit. The completed one is lovely too.

  • Reply
    Hour Basket Swap | The (not so) Dramatic Life
    March 31, 2016 at 1:47 pm

    […] This also completes my One Monthly goal entry for March! […]

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